Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ahhhh, autumn!

I found out how to get a bunch of "likes" on Facebook....post cute pictures of your dogs.  Nobody wants to hear about chronic illness or struggles.  People want cuteness!  And trust me, my dogs are cute.  Hence my blog.  At least here, you know what you're coming to read about.

My neurologist called, yesterday.  His nurse informed me that LDN is nothing more than a placebo.  I guess time will tell.  I am a firm believer that MS can be deceiving.  You can think you're doing well and then it will come back to bite you.  I used to have glorious remissions.  They would last years.  Hence, when a newbie says "Oh I've been in remission for x number of years," I may not take it to heart.

I am not a newbie.  If I get results, I will be more than impressed.  If I get results I will tell my neurologist what he can do with his "placebo."  Hee.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Placebo Effect?

SO I am not feeling so great, today.   Is it lack of sleep?  Is it the placebo effect and this "natural pain reliever" isn't really working?  I don't know.  I know I'm tired but can't sleep.  I know I'm sick of being in pain....and when I described my previous pain as a 10, you may ask, "How can she say its a 10?"  Let's just say I have a documented high pain threshold.  I fractured my shoulder and tore my rotator cuff, yet waited 3 months to find this out because I was certain whatever I did would get better.  Ugh.  Multiple Sclerosis, I hate you.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The first few days...

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 19 back in January of 1986.  Two of my most frustrating parts about MS are the facts that you never know what each new day will bring for you symptomatically, nor are any two of us the same.  I guess, then, MS patients are like snowflakes!! I was relapsing-remitting until about 10 years ago and am now secondary-progressive.

This post is more for me to catch up on the whirlwind of days since October 10, 2013.  I started taking Meriva SR, Magnesium Glycinate, Melatonin and LDN 1.5 mg on this date. Within an hour of taking the Meriva SR, my pain level had gone from a 10 to a 5 on the infamous pain scale.  Nothing else has really changed, nor did I really expect it to, until I am able to increase my LDN dosage the 3mg.  Oh, but sleeping...sleeping is CRAP!  I wake up around 4a every night and can't go back to sleep until some time around 6 if at all.  At least I don't wake up in pain.  

I decided to start a blog to follow my progress and describe what I have been through during the past 28 years of being diagnosed with this disease.  I have tried many, MANY meds, and have decided to pursue a more natural approach since nothing else has seemed to work to this point.  The funny part is that I did an extensive amount of research on my own, and had bottle after bottle of herbs and supplements and tried various diets, to no avail.  I spent 10 minutes with a pharmacist, left with a few bottles and voila...I feel better than I have in weeks!